Register now for the 2025 Science Events Summit!
There's something special about participating in live events. There's the way our energy builds off each other in a give-and-take. The way we do things in unison with people we never met before. The way we both forget ourselves and find our people. The way normal rules are suspended and traditions are made.
There's something special about live event organizers too. A certain kind of someone steps up to organize an event, rides that roller coaster, and then gets back in line to do it again. We do this because it is fun, but also because we're passionate about how powerful events are when used strategically. We know that event organizing can build new relationships, foster extraordinary collaborations, and bridge cultural divides.
Excited to talk shop with event organizers that find clever ways to throw science into the mix? You've just found your meeting.
Please join us in Philadelphia this June. Plan to arrive on Sunday, 6/8, and stay through at least the early evening of Tuesday, 6/10.