Young girl expresses delight doing science activity in sunny park.

Science IN VIVO
2024 Call For participation

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2024 Call for participation  

Respond Soon: Cohorts Are Forming Now

This Call for Participation is for any team that would like to add science to an existing community event. Specifically, we're looking for teams that want to learn how to integrate activity into an event's cultural context and social setting.

Ready to do this before June, 2025? You may be selected as a Demonstration Site and get resources, support, and $2,000.

Demonstration Sites are limited, so respond as soon as you can. There is still room at the moment, but we're reviewing responses until we've hit the limit, and the first Sites have been selected already!

This is open to teams from science-related organizations, as well as community-oriented organizations with little or no experience working with science.

Respond to the Call for Participation

The Details

There are two ways to get involved in live events: start your own, or join someone else's. Each approach has pros and cons.

Want to start a new stand-alone science event initiative? You'll find friendly and inspiring colleagues here at, including with the associated Science Festival Alliance.

Looking to add a science experience to an existing event? Science In Vivo may be for you.

Science In Vivo’s open Call for Participation is for teams that would like to add a science layer to an existing event or gathering before May 31, 2025. We hope this Call is answered by teams with science-based missions, as well as teams that already run community events but don't have much experience with science. So whether you're comfortable in the halls of academia, on the sidewalks of Main Street, or somewhere in between, this call is for you!

Specifically, Science In Vivo supports "situated engagement:” Activity that integrates into the social setting and cultural context of an event. This tends to be different than setting up educational activities at a table or booth. For more on what this can mean and look like, please spend some time reviewing

Review of responses to this Call for Participation has already started and will continue on a rolling basis. Every team completing the form by 11/15/24 will be invited to join the project and gain free access to the project’s resources and supportive network.

A limited number of teams will be selected as Demonstration Sites. These teams will join small cohorts led by experienced event organizers. There is currently space available for new Demonstration Sites, but get your response in soon! With responses already under review, the first cohorts will be notified in early September, 2024.

Between Labor Day, 2024 and Memorial Day, 2025 the project will be developing supportive resources to share broadly, and will do this by designing materials that directly serve the needs of the Demonstration Sites. So Demonstration Sites will receive customized support, individualized attention, and the chance to showcase their work to a professional audience. Participating as a Demonstration Site will require a greater commitment of time as we create resources through May, 2025, so Demonstration Sites will also receive $2,000 at the completion of the project.

The main criteria for selecting Demonstration Sites will be the potential they have to serve as a basis for the project's goal of producing helpful resources related to situated engagement. We hope to have a roughly equal number of community-oriented and science-based organizations selected as Demonstration Sites.

To participate in the project, all teams will need to become members (for free) at Participation is only open to teams in the US and Canada. The $2,000 payment to Demonstration Teams will be made at the end of the project (June, 2025). These payments will require basic paper work, including a W-9 or equivalent, but will not require financial reporting.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!